Party Planning: The Importance of the Guest Book

 In Party Planning

Barbra Streisand once said something that struck me as interesting, something I think brides-to-be can relate to. She said, “I’ve been called many names like perfectionist, difficult and obsessive. I think it takes obsession, takes searching for the details for any artist to be good”.

My point here is that the larger things associated with weddings (the limo, the photographer, the venue, the flowers, etc.) are, once you’ve hired the right people, in good hands. And once that’s been done, you can focus on the details of your wedding – the things that will truly make your wedding stand out from the others.One small but incredibly important detail is determining your plans for a Guest Book.

You can, like millions of brides and grooms before you, simply have a leather-bound book that your guests will sign. There is nothing wrong with this approach. However, this is an area that can be truly creative, innovative, even entertaining for years to come.

Photo Booth Guest Book

Though not necessarily budget-friendly, a colleague of mine rented a photo booth for their wedding, so that guests (sorority sisters, colleagues, Uncle Frank and Aunt Kari) could take photos of themselves in an entertaining way. Each group would get a strip of four photos of which they’d get to keep two. The other two would then be used as their “signature” for a blank guest book. Pens, markers and other decorative things as well as double-sided tape were put on a table next to the blank guest book near the photo booth. The guests were then instructed to tape the photos somewhere in the guest book and then sign or decorate to their heart’s content.

The guest book, filled with pictures of grandparents making funny faces and bridesmaids and groomsmen getting closer, still sits on an end table in their living room and remains a conversation piece eight years later.

In the end, no matter what you do is fine, but remember that the details are what truly makes your wedding yours.

Until next time, Preston

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