Narrowing Down Your Wedding Venue Choices

 In Wedding checklist, Wedding Locations, Wedding Trends 2022, Wedding Venues

wedding venues 2022Finalizing your wedding venue can be one of the most intimidating choices you will have to make for your special day. Selecting your venue out of several potential options is a process that requires careful consideration. When you have already researched each venue and are now comparing the benefits and disadvantages of each one, it can make it that much more difficult to choose. Solidifying your venue is a challenge for most couples, but there are a few ways to simplify the selection process.

Easy Ways to Narrow Your List

You likely have several wedding venues competing for your attention. Right off the bat, there are a few caveats to note that may help you cross a few venues off your list.

First, consider the size of your wedding and how it correlates to the venues. This seems obvious at face value since most event venues will give an estimation of how many guests they can accommodate. However, note that some venues may need to take additional measures to accommodate larger groups, and some may not be able to hold bigger groups at all. Size may also not consider indoor accommodations and if the entire party can fit comfortably indoors at a venue with a large outdoor portion.

This may become an issue if poor weather prevents outdoor activities. With larger groups for dining, tables may have to be more cramped to fit everyone, resulting in a claustrophobic dining experience for some guests. If some venues struggle to accommodate your extensive list of guests, chances are they will not provide an ideal experience for your guests.

Venue Accommodations

Venue flexibility is also a factor that may stand out to you. More accurately, a lack thereof can be a genuine issue for any number of wedding groups. Any guests with allergies, disabilities, or any other specific concerns should be able to have their needs addressed by your venue. Of course, there is no tangible way to know how each wedding venue will act without asking about their accommodation and general flexibility. Every wedding venue will have its approach to achieving this, but some will put in more effort than others. If you plan to have many guests or expect to make last-minute changes, reach out to venues you are considering, and see their flexibility for yourself.

Finalizing Your Selection

Using the above tips, you can hopefully eliminate a few venues off your list. From here, you will want to tour each venue well in advance. A virtual tour or collection of interior photographs can be a good reference, but with that, you have minimal sense of the location’s scale or ambiance. Seeing the venue for yourself is the best way to identify any red flags that you have, which will vary from couple to couple. Some wedding venues, like Knowles Hospitality, invite prospective guests to consider their property for a tour. During these tours, you can ask questions about various elements that you think are important, such as lighting, photogenic potential, dining selections, and any other aspects that matter to you.

From here, all that is left to do is compare each venue. Based on the answers provided during your tour — and your preferences — you will have the most accurate determination of your ideal venue.

Don’t Sweat It

While picking a venue is one of the most crucial steps of the wedding planning process, it does not have to be as stressful as many couples make it. Consideration of each venue’s ability to serve your needs is essential; but ultimately, every wedding venue you look into can deliver a phenomenal day. You may be stuck between two or three and struggling to decide which to go with, but if you took the time to narrow down your venue list, you already finished most of the tough work. Any options left will serve your wedding phenomenally!

For more information on wedding planning and venues, schedule an exclusive tour at our two properties today!

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