Your 2022 Wedding Finalization Checklist

 In wedding celebration, Wedding checklist, Wedding Day, Wedding Trends 2022

Wedding checklist 2022If you plan on joining the 2.6 million newlyweds this summer, congratulations! Your special day is coming up, and you and your guests deserve a top-tier experience. One of the best ways to make this experience as special as it can be is to ensure you have everything planned now to avoid any last-minute panic. You surely had a lot to plan out these past few months regarding guests, venues, and wedding services, and it can be overwhelming to keep track of all the essential events and dates. With Covid still a factor to consider as well, these weeks leading up to your special day may feel particularly stressful. To help simplify things, here is a list of various must-haves for your wedding!

Steps to Finalize Your Wedding

If you are a few weeks or months away from your wedding, you likely have every essential detail selected already. This checklist will help reinforce your progress and can serve as a reminder of anything you still have to do. Of course, not all weddings will require the same elements. Depending on size, location, and cultural influence, weddings can vastly differ from one another. Nonetheless, here are some fundamentals that most brides and grooms will need to have accomplished by this point.

Selecting a Wedding Venue

This also may include choosing and reserving rooms at a hotel for faraway guests to stay overnight if they wish. You may also want to consider hiring a transportation service for the night of the wedding to transport guests to the hotel.

Choosing Vendors for Wedding Essentials

If you already have a provider that you are close to, they will be an excellent choice. However, we at Knowles Hospitality have organized a convenient list of our preferred providers that are both local and excellent at what they do. These providers cover any of these essential services you may need, including:

  • Flowers
  • Cake
  • Music
  • Multimedia (i.e., photographer/videographer)
  • Calligraphy

Steps Along the Way

  • Sending out all RSVPs and save-the-dates for the event.
  • Organizing any events for wedding parties.
  • Creating and finalizing your wedding registry.
  • Checking in with your wedding planner (if you have one) or anyone else heavily involved in the planning process to ensure that any concerns they have are addressed.

Keep Covid in Mind

It is important that you also consider Covid’s potential impact on altering these points. Covid could make travel more difficult, especially for international guests, or interrupt wedding party plans. It is important to plan for these setbacks, however unpredictable they may be. Due to widespread vaccinations, your wedding will likely not be impeded too much by the virus. However, considering New Jersey’s current rise in Covid cases, you should plan to be flexible if guests test positive prior to the event and are unable to attend.

Stress Now, Enjoy Later

With your wedding almost here, it can be easy to stress up until the last minute. However, you want to make sure you can thoroughly enjoy the event and celebrate with all your loved ones. So, by checking off items on this list, you now hopefully have a better idea of what additional steps you need to take—as well as what you have organized thus far—prior to your special day.

Knowles Hospitality understands this stress and has prepared any resources you may need for last-minute planning, decorating, or hiring professional services. For unlimited wedding planning inspiration, make sure to subscribe to our blog.

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